Gui Mohallem (Itajubá, MG, 1979)

Graduado em Cinema e Vídeo pela ECA-USP, expôs pela primeira vez em uma individual em Nova York, em 2008. Nos anos seguintes, teve exposições no MuBE, no Sesc Pompeia e nas galerias Olido, Babel, Baró Cruz, Luciana Caravello e Emma Thomas. Expôs também nos EUA, na Islândia e na Estônia, participou do programa Descubrimientos, do Photoespaña, e do 18º Festival Sesc_Videobrasil.

Em 2011, ganhou o 2º lugar no prêmio Conrado Wessel. Participou de programas de residência artística em São Paulo e em Beirute, no Líbano. Tem dois livros publicados, Welcome Home (2012) e Tcharafna (2014). Foi palestrante nos principais festivais de fotografia do país e suas obras estão em importantes coleções, como Itaú Cultural, Videobrasil, Centro Cultural São Paulo, Luiz Chrysostomo, Nilo Cecco, Fernando Abdalla, Alfredo Setúbal, entre outros.

CV em formato PDF aqui.

Gui Mohallem (Itajubá, MG, 1979)

Questions of belonging and identity have permeated Gui Mohallem’s work for some time. After a six-week residency in Lebanon, awarded to him by the Brazilian Ministry of Culture’s Cultural Exchange and Diffusion Program in 2012, the artist came into direct contact with aspects of exile, upon which he grew to understand his own origins and some of the identity traits of family members.

A Film and Video degree holder from ECA-USP, he had his first solo show in New York City in 2008. In the years that followed, he had showings at MuBE, Sesc Pompeia and the Olido, Babel, Baró Cruz, Luciana Caravello, and Emma Thomas galleries. He has also exhibited in the USA, Iceland, and Estonia, was involved in Photoespaña’s Descubrimientos program, and in the 18th Sesc_Videobrasil Festival.

In 2011, he won second place in the Conrado Wessel prize. He has partaken in art residency programs in São Paulo and Beirut, Lebanon. He has two books out, Welcome Home (2012) and Tcharafna (2014). He was a speaker at Brazil’s leading photography festivals, and his works are in major collections including Itaú Cultural, Videobrasil, Centro Cultural São Paulo, Luiz Chrysostomo, Nilo Cecco, Fernando Abdalla, Alfredo Setúbal, etc.